US History, March 12th – March 16th
The student will describe changes in national politics since 1968.
Element: SSUSH25.a
Describe President Richard M. Nixon's opening of China, his resignation due to the Watergate scandal, changing attitudes toward government, and the Presidency of Gerald Ford.
Element: SSUSH25.b
Explain the impact of Supreme Court decisions on ideas about civil liberties and civil rights including such decisions as Roe v. Wade (1973 and the Bakke decision on affirmative action).
Element: SSUSH25.c
Explain the Carter administrations efforts in the Middle East including the Camp David Accords, his response to the 1979 Iranian Revolution and Iranian hostage crisis.
Element: SSUSH25.d
Describe domestic and international events of Ronald Reagan's presidency including Reagonomics, the Iran-contra scandal and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Element: SSUSH25.e
Explain the relationship between Congress and President Bill Clinton including the North American Free Trade Agreement and his impeachment and acquittal.
Element: SSUSH25.f
Analyze the 2000 presidential election and its outcome emphasizing the role of the electoral college.
Element: SSUSH25.g
Analyze the response of President George W. Bush to the attacks of September 11, 2001 on the United States, the war against terrorism, and the subsequent American interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Monday, Mar 12th
Warm Up: GHSGT Government review packet
Instructional Plan: 9 week assessment
Closing Summarizer: 20 questions game if time permits
Tuesday, Mar 13th
Warm Up: GHSGT Government review packet
Instructional Plan: 9 week assessment
Closing Summarizer: 20 questions game if time permits
Wednesday, Mar 14th
Warm Up: US History GHSGT Review Packet
Instructional Plan: Lecture/Discussion Standard 24
Viewing of America Story of US
Closing Summarizer: Summarize our notes for today using one word.
Thursday, Mar 15th
Warm Up: US History GHSGT Review Packet
Instructional Plan: Lecture/Discussion Standard 24
Viewing of America Story of US
Closing Summarizer: Summarize our notes for today using one word.
Friday, Mar 16th
Warm Up: US History Review Crossword
Instructional Plan: USH Review Charades or Pictionary based on which the class wants to play
Closing Summarizer: GHSGT multiple choice question review of all subject areas.
World History, March 12th – March 16th
The student will be able to describe the impact of industrialization, the rise of nationalism and the major characteristics of world wide imperialism.
Element: SSWH15.a
Analyze the process and impact of industrialization in England, Germany and Japan, movements for political reform, the writings of Adam Smith and Karl Marx, and urbanization and its impact on women.
Element: SSWH15.b
Compare and contrast the rise of the nation state in Germany under Otto von Bismarck and Japan under Emperor Meiji.
Element: SSWH15.c
Describe the reaction to foreign domination including the Russo-Japanese War and Young Turks.
Element: SSWH15.d
Describe imperialism in Africa and Asia by comparing British policies in South Africa, French policies in Indochina, and Japanese policies in Asia.
Monday, Mar 12th
Warm Up: What is nationalism discussion
Instructional Plan: Lecture/Discussion Nationalism
Discussion, should you always support an ally?
Video on Causes of WWI
Lecture/Discussion Causes of WWI including MANIA acronym to help students remember.
Closing Summarizer: Students will create a flag for their own country that will show what the country stands for.
Tuesday, Mar 13th
Warm Up: What is nationalism discussion
Instructional Plan: Lecture/Discussion Nationalism
Discussion, should you always support an ally?
Video on Causes of WWI
Lecture/Discussion Causes of WWI including MANIA acronym to help students remember.
Closing Summarizer: Students will create a flag for their own country that will show what the country stands for.
Wednesday, Mar 14th
Warm Up: One thing I remember from last class discussion
Instructional Plan: 9 week assessment
Closing Summarizer: 20 questions game if time permits
Thursday, Mar 15th
Warm Up: One thing I remember from last class discussion
Instructional Plan: 9 week assessment
Closing Summarizer: 20 questions game if time permits
Friday, Mar 16th
Warm Up: Word Splash on causes of WWI
Instructional Plan: Lecture/Discussion on major events of WWI
Trench warfare videoTrench Warfare Simulation. A few students will set the desks in rows and illustrate the feeling of being in a trench.
20 questions- What does a Poppy flower have to do with WWI? This will connect to the poem.
In Flanders Fields Poem. We will read and do discussion questions as a class.
Closing Summarizer: One word summary of WWI
Tutoring schedule: Tuesday and Thursday 7:15 – 7:55
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