Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekly Assignments for US and World History the week of Feb 21st - 24th

US History

Tuesday, Feb 21

Warm Up: Review Test

Instructional Plan: The story of the three cows to describe the difference between economic theoriesLecture/Discussion on Standard 20Video on McCarthyism

Closing Summarizer: 3-2-1 exit ticket

Wednesday, Feb 22

Warm Up: Review Test

Instructional Plan: The story of the three cows to describe the difference between economic theoriesLecture/Discussion on Standard 20Video on McCarthyism

Closing Summarizer: 3-2-1 exit ticket

Thursday, Feb 23

Warm Up: America Story of Us video clip on the Cuban Missile Crisis (just watch)

Instructional Plan: The real story behind the Cuban Missile Crisis. Students will read a series of primary source documents to decide what they believe really happened during the crisis. It will be set up in a stations and students will fill out a graphic organizer as they move through.

Closing Summarizer: Mini Essay. What really happened during the Cuban Missile Crisis using evidence from the documents.

Friday, Feb 24

Warm Up: America Story of Us video clip on the Cuban Missile Crisis (just watch)

Instructional Plan: The real story behind the Cuban Missile Crisis. Students will read a series of primary source documents to decide what they believe really happened during the crisis. It will be set up in a stations and students will fill out a graphic organizer as they move through.

Closing Summarizer: Mini Essay. What really happened during the Cuban Missile Crisis using evidence from the documents.

World History

Tuesday, Feb 21

Warm Up: GHSGT Question of the Day

Instructional Plan: Story of Versailles and PicturesBrief depiction of the breakdown of the estates generalLecture/Discussion on French Revolution including brief Video
Closing Summarizer: Review crossword on Enlightenment, Absolutism, and French Revolution

Wednesday, Feb 22

Warm Up: GHSGT question of the day

Instructional Plan: Introduction to Slave TradeSlave Trade Simulation. I will read about the conditions on the slave ships as students sit under their desks.Video Clip of AmistadIntroduction to Haitian Revolution and ties to SlaveryVideo on Haitian Revolution
Closing Summarizer: Most Important thing

Thursday, Feb 23

Warm Up: GHSGT question of the day

Instructional Plan: Introduction to Slave TradeSlave Trade Simulation. I will read about the conditions on the slave ships as students sit under their desks.Video Clip of AmistadIntroduction to Haitian Revolution and ties to SlaveryVideo on Haitian Revolution
Closing Summarizer: Most Important thing

Friday, Feb 24

Warm Up:
Instructional Plan:Plan:GHSGT Question of the Day
Instructional Plan: 1) Revolutions Research Project - Students will be in small groups to research the causes and effects of the revolutions in England, United States, France, Haiti, and Latin America. 2. Students will be responsible for creating a presentation to share with the class using different sites on the Internet (no PowerPoint presentations).

Closing Summarizer: Exit ticket (to informally assess project progress)

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