Friday, February 10, 2012

Daily assignments for US and World History for the week of Feb 6 - Feb 10

US History

Monday Feb 6

The student will identify the origins, major developments, and the domestic impact of World War II, especially the growth of the federal government.
Element: SSUSH19.a
Explain A. Philip Randolph's proposed march on Washington, D.C. and President Franklin D. Roosevelt's response.
Element: SSUSH19.b
Explain the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the internment of Japanese-Americans.
Element: SSUSH19.c
Explain major events including the lend-lease program, the Battle of Midway, D-Day, and the fall of Berlin.
Element: SSUSH19.d
Describe war mobilization, as indicated by rationing, war-time conversion, and the role of women in war industries.
Element: SSUSH19.e
Describe Los Alamos and the scientific, economic, and military implications of developing the atomic bomb.

Warm Up: One thing I remember about the Great Depression discussion.
Activator- WWII video. Students will just watch.

Instructional Plan: Lecture/Discussion WWII (Standard 19)
Video Clip of the attack on Pearl harbor. Student will just watch.
Continue Lecture/Discussion WWII
I-respond NOW multiple choice questions from the lecture.
Saving Private Ryan clip (D-day) Students will just watch the clip.

Closing Summarizer: Ticket out the door. Answer the EQ for today.

Tuesday Feb 7

Warm Up: One thing I remember about the Great Depression discussion.
Activator- WWII video. Students will just watch.

Instructional Plan: Lecture/Discussion WWII (Standard 19)
Video Clip of the attack on Pearl harbor. Student will just watch.
Continue Lecture/Discussion WWII
I-respond NOW multiple choice questions from the lecture.
Saving Private Ryan clip (D-day) Students will just watch the clip.

Closing Summarizer: Ticket out the door. Answer the EQ for today.

Wednesday Feb 8

Warm Up: Fill in the blank activity on the atomic bomb.
Activator: Students will be given a name of a holocaust victim, and toward the end of class students will find out if the victim survivedGHSGT question of the day

Instructional Plan: Japanese internment camp lecture with photographs. Students will use the classpad to highlight major aspects of the pictures.Internment Camp reading as a class and brief discussionHolocaust Video. Students will just watch.Holocaust lecture/discussion including images and statistics.

Closing Summarizer: Students see the fate of the name they chose earlier and do a quickwrite based on their reaction.

Thursday Feb 9

Warm Up: Fill in the blank activity on the atomic bomb.
Activator: Students will be given a name of a holocaust victim, and toward the end of class students will find out if the victim survivedGHSGT question of the day

Instructional Plan: Japanese internment camp lecture with photographs. Students will use the classpad to highlight major aspects of the pictures.Internment Camp reading as a class and brief discussionHolocaust Video. Students will just watch.Holocaust lecture/discussion including images and statistics.

Closing Summarizer: Students see the fate of the name they chose earlier and do a quickwrite based on their reaction.

Friday Fed 10

Warm Up: The most important thing about Standard 19 discussion.
Activator- Short Video on the history and effects of dropping the atomic bomb.

Instructional Plan: Lecture/Discussion on atomic bomb including pictures of the devastationSimulation for decision making of Truman and the atomic bomb. Students will be divided into different teams to debate if Truman should drop the atomic bomb. The students will be given one of three arguments to argue and they will have documents to aid in their arguments.

Closing Summarizer: If you were Truman, would you have dropped the atomic bomb? Quickwrite Ticket out the door.

World History

Monday Feb 6

Warm Up: 3-2-1 on Absolutism

Instructional Plan: Hand out grade reports and discuss how much time is left in the semester.
Map Review of Continents and Oceans with a quiz at the end.Who am I booklet on the Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, and Absolutism
Closing Summarizer: Review crossword on Enlightenment, Absolutism, and the Scientific Revolution

Tuesday Feb 7

Warm Up: 3-2-1 on Absolutism

Instructional Plan: Hand out grade reports and discuss how much time is left in the semester.
Map Review of Continents and Oceans with a quiz at the end.Who am I booklet on the Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, and Absolutism
Closing Summarizer: Review crossword on Enlightenment, Absolutism, and the Scientific Revolution

Wednesday Fed 8

Warm Up: Quick study for 5 minutes

Instructional Plan: Team Jeopardy on the Scientific Revolution, Absolutism, and Enlightenment
Scientific Revolution, Absolutism, and Enlightenment Test

Closing Summarizer: 20 Questions game on World History material

Thursday Feb 9

Warm Up: Quick study for 5 minutes

Instructional Plan: Team Jeopardy on the Scientific Revolution, Absolutism, and Enlightenment
Scientific Revolution, Absolutism, and Enlightenment Test

Closing Summarizer: 20 Questions game on World History material

Friday Feb 10

Warm Up: Activator- Fun Facts Quiz on the French Revolution

Instructional Plan: Story of Versailles and PicturesBrief depiction of the breakdown of the estates generalLecture/Discussion on French Revolution including brief Video
Closing Summarizer: Review crossword on Enlightenment, Absolutism, and French Revolution

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