Monday, September 24, 2012

For the week of 9/24 -9/29

Week 7 Agenda World History

Monday 9/24/12


•Students will answer the following question. What is the Trans-Saharan trade network? Why is the Trans-Saharan trade network important?

Work Session:

•Students will complete a regions map of Africa. Labeling major cities, kingdoms, trade routes, and religious influences.

•Teacher/Students will hold class discussion on the importance of trade. Students will take notes on the geographic impact of Africa on trade and religion. Identifying African beliefs and blending of Islam and Christianity.


•Students will receive their Unit 3 Study guides.

•Academic wars: students will be divided into teams. Each team will send one representative to battle on the assigned concepts. Each student will be given 30 seconds to explain as much as they know about Key terms/Concepts in Unit 3.

Tuesday 9/25/12


•Unit 3 Bubble board: Students will create a bubble board of Islam. The crusades, and Africa. Teacher/Students will hold class discussion and complete bubble board on the white board.

Work Session:

•Students will be put into pairs. Each pair will be assigned a topic over Unit 3. The review for this Unit will be a radio broadcast. Each pair will be given 2 minutes “air time” to present their concept in a “radio broadcast”. •Students will be given time in class to complete Unit 3 Study guide. This time will be given so that students may get any questions answered before the Test. Closing:

•Students will be provided with mini white boards. They will be split into teams. Each team will come up with a team name. Students will be given a trivia question about Unit 3. Each team will discuss their answer and write it on the white board. Checking for understanding.

Wednesday 9/26/12


•How much do you know? Teacher will use beach ball full of questions from Unit 3 to help students review for test. Students will be tossed the ball. The question that their rights thumb lands on will be the question that they will answer. Work Session:

•Unit 3 Test

•Unit 4 Vocabulary


•Students will be introduced to in class project. This will cover the early American civilizations. Thursday 9/27/12- New Unit


•Students will watch a scene from Apacolypto. Teacher will hold class discussion on what the scene shows about early American societies.

Work Session:

•Students will research their assigned early American civilization using classroom laptops. Students will work in groups. They will break up work according to rubric. Each student will have a specific task in the group.


•Writing prompt: Students will be given 1 minute to write everything they learned about their assigned topic. Students will then line up in 2 lines. They will have 1 minute to explain what they learned about the early civilizations in America. When timer goes off, they will rotate to their right. Repeat process. Teacher will hold class discussion at the end of speed information line. Friday 9/28/12


•Hangman activity: Students will create a hangman using a vocabulary word from Standard 8. Teacher will call on volunteers and non- volunteers to write their hangman on the board. They will have to give 3 clues about their word to the class. Class will complete together. I will use this time to review and ask questions about the Early American Civilizations. Work Session:

•Teacher will provide each group with a poster board. Students will have time to complete their early American civilizations project in class. Students should have all material for assignment with them. Closing:

•Post it- I know it: Students will write 2 things they learned about their civilization. Draw a picture of something that reminds them of their assigned civilization. Lastly, Students will write what their homework is over the weekend. ( example: I will print off 5 maps of the Aztec civilization).

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