Monday, September 17, 2012

Blog for the Week of 9/17- 1/21 World History


Week 6 WH Agenda

World History Agenda Week 6

Monday: 9/17/12

Warm-up: Students will answer the following question

•What led to internal conflict in Islam after the death of Muhammad?

Work Session:

•Venn Diagram: Sunni vs. Shia Muslim

•Rise of Islam student workbook activity

•Introduction to comparing the relationship between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.


•What do you know?

◦Teacher will distribute individual white boards. The students will be a asked a series of questions about the rise of Islam. Including, spread of Islam, trade/economic growth, and internal conflicts.

◦Students will write their answers on the white board and display to assess knowledge.

Tuesday: 9/18/12

Warm-up: Think-Pair-Share

•Students will think about the differences between Hinduism and Islam. After they write the differences. They will be paired with someone in the room and given one minute each to share their answers. When the time goes off, teacher will call on students to share what their partner said.

Work Session:

•Teacher will provide guided notes to follow along with class reading about the crusades.

•Students will write a radio broadcast to describe the impact of the Crusades on the Islamic world and Europe.


•Trigger finger. Teacher will display key term/idea covered through this unit. 2 students will come to the front of the class. They will have 20 seconds to describe that term.

Wednesday: 9/19/12

Warm-up: Students will answer the following question.

•What was the chief goal of the Crusades?

•Teacher will call on volunteers and non-volunteers to share their radio broadcast to the class.

Work Session:

•Students will take the 2nd World History Common Assessment.

•Map Analysis of Bantu Migration

•What is the Bantu Migration PowerPoint introduction of migration in Africa.


•3-2-1: Students will write three things they learned about the spread of Islam.

Students will then write 2 things they learned about the Bantu Migrations. Lastly, students will write 1 thing they don’t understand about the Unit.

Thursday: 9/20/12


•Students will watch a short clip on the Bantu Migrations.

Work Session:

•Students will be provided with notes about the Sudanic Tribes in Africa and the Bantu Migrations.

•Carousel Activity: Students will be given a Carousel handout over Early African Kingdoms and the Bantu Migration. Students will be given a short time frame (5 mins) to complete their portion of the activity. When the timer goes off, students will pass their carousel to the left. The student will then have to complete the next portion of the activity.


•Post-it/Question and Answer: Teacher will ask questions to check for understanding. Students will complete their answer on the post it. Followed by a class discussion/review.

Friday: 9/21/12


•Students will be given objects that represent trade in the trans-Saharan trade network. They will be divided into kingdoms and required to trade objects. Followed by a class discussion on the importance of trade.

Work Session:

•Students will work independently on Chapter 8 Section 1 in their student workbooks. Identifying major geographic contributions to the trans-Saharan trade network.

•Students will play a map quiz game to help them identify regions in Africa along with trade routes, African kingdoms.


•Trashketball: Students will volunteer to play. Each student will be asked a question from the day’s lesson. If they answer correctly, they can shoot the basketball into the trashcan, earning their team points. The team who answers the most questions/makes the most baskets wins.

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