Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Week assignments for US and World History for week of Dec 12th thur the 16th

Dec. 12
EQ: What factors led to the many movements seen in the Progressive Era?

Warm Up: Partner Study Time for 5 Minutes

Instructional Plan: Review Team Jeopardy

Unit 5 Test

Closing Summarizer: Review Test if time permits

Dec 13

EQ: What factors led to the many movements seen in the Progressive Era?

Warm Up: Partner Study Time for 5 Minutes

Instructional Plan: Review Team Jeopardy
Unit 5 Test

Closing Summarizer: Review Test if time permits

Dec 14

What key figures, patterns, and events will be on the midterm? How can I better my current study habits?

Warm Up: Test taking skills lecture/discussion

Instructional Plan: Groups work on midterm study guide. Students will be grouped heterogeneously based on their scores on the 9 week assessment.

Stump the Chump game. One student comes up to the front of the room and other students will try to stump them with a question. If the person stumps them, they become the "chump"

Closing Summarizer: Study skills discussion. We will discuss study skills for the test and students will have an opportunity to share their own study skills.


EQ(s): What key figures, patterns, and events will be on the midterm? How can I better my current study habits?

Warm Up: Test taking skills lecture/discussion

Instructional Plan: Groups work on midterm study guide. Students will be grouped heterogeneously based on their scores on the 9 week assessment.

Stump the Chump game. One student comes up to the front of the room and other students will try to stump them with a question. If the person stumps them, they become the "chump"

Closing Summarizer: Study skills discussion. We will discuss study skills for the test and students will have an opportunity to share their own study skills.


EQ(s): What key figures, patterns, and events will be on the midterm? How can I better my current study habits?

Warm Up: Sample Test Multiple Choice Questions on I-respond NOW

Instructional Plan: Review/Discuss midterm study guide. Students will have a chance to ask questions or discuss any issues they had in completing the study guide.

Name Game. Each student will have to name a key event or person from our class. Last person standing without repeating wins.

Closing Summarizer: Ticket out the door- Create five sample multiple choice questions from the test material.

World History

Dec. 12

EQ(s): How successful was the Catholic Church in addressing the criticisms of the Protestant Reformers?

Warm Up:
Instructional Plan:Warm Up: Sample multiple Choice Question

Instructional Plan: Graphic organizer on sects of Christianity. Students will use the book to fill out a graphic organizer that illustrates the Protestant sects of Christianity that come out of the Reformation.

Who am I? examples. I will give hints to famous people and students will guess.

Who am I? booklet. Students will create a booklet that contain hints to people we have talked about. The answers will be in the back of the booklet

Closing Summarizer: Pass out and discuss the study guide for the Renaissance and Reformation test.


EQ(s): How successful was the Catholic Church in addressing the criticisms of the Protestant Reformers?

Warm Up: Warm Up: Sample multiple Choice Question.

Instructional Plan: Graphic organizer on sects of Christianity. Students will use the book to fill out a graphic organizer that illustrates the Protestant sects of Christianity that come out of the Reformation.

Who am I? examples. I will give hints to famous people and students will guess.

Who am I? booklet. Students will create a booklet that contain hints to people we have talked about. The answers will be in the back of the booklet

Closing Summarizer: Pass out and discuss the study guide for the Renaissance and Reformation test.

Dec 14


Warm Up: Students will study with a partner for about 5 minutes using their notes and study guide.

Instructional Plan: Review Team Jeopardy
Renaissance and Reformation Test

Closing Summarizer: Review Test if time permits
Dec 15

EQ(s): What key figures, patterns, and events will be on the midterm? How can I better my current study habits?

Warm Up: Students will study with a partner for about 5 minutes using their notes and study guide.

Instructional Plan: Review Team Jeopardy

Renaissance and Reformation Test

Closing Summarizer: Review Test if time permits

Dec 16

EQ(s): What key figures, patterns, and events will be on the midterm? How can I better my current study habits?

Warm Up: Students will study with a partner for about 5 minutes using their notes and study guide.

Instructional Plan: Review Team Jeopardy

Renaissance and Reformation Test

Closing Summarizer: Review Test if time permits

Dec. 12
EQ: What factors led to the many movements seen in the Progressive Era?

Warm Up: Partner Study Time for 5 Minutes

Instructional Plan: Review Team Jeopardy

Unit 5 Test

Closing Summarizer: Review Test if time permits

Dec 13

EQ: What factors led to the many movements seen in the Progressive Era?

Warm Up: Partner Study Time for 5 Minutes

Instructional Plan: Review Team Jeopardy
Unit 5 Test

Closing Summarizer: Review Test if time permits

Dec 14

What key figures, patterns, and events will be on the midterm? How can I better my current study habits?

Warm Up: Test taking skills lecture/discussion

Instructional Plan: Groups work on midterm study guide. Students will be grouped heterogeneously based on their scores on the 9 week assessment.

Stump the Chump game. One student comes up to the front of the room and other students will try to stump them with a question. If the person stumps them, they become the "chump"

Closing Summarizer: Study skills discussion. We will discuss study skills for the test and students will have an opportunity to share their own study skills.


EQ(s): What key figures, patterns, and events will be on the midterm? How can I better my current study habits?

Warm Up: Test taking skills lecture/discussion

Instructional Plan: Groups work on midterm study guide. Students will be grouped heterogeneously based on their scores on the 9 week assessment.

Stump the Chump game. One student comes up to the front of the room and other students will try to stump them with a question. If the person stumps them, they become the "chump"

Closing Summarizer: Study skills discussion. We will discuss study skills for the test and students will have an opportunity to share their own study skills.


EQ(s): What key figures, patterns, and events will be on the midterm? How can I better my current study habits?

Warm Up: Sample Test Multiple Choice Questions on I-respond NOW

Instructional Plan: Review/Discuss midterm study guide. Students will have a chance to ask questions or discuss any issues they had in completing the study guide.

Name Game. Each student will have to name a key event or person from our class. Last person standing without repeating wins.

Closing Summarizer: Ticket out the door- Create five sample multiple choice questions from the test material.

World History

Dec. 12

EQ(s): How successful was the Catholic Church in addressing the criticisms of the Protestant Reformers?

Warm Up:
Instructional Plan:Warm Up: Sample multiple Choice Question

Instructional Plan: Graphic organizer on sects of Christianity. Students will use the book to fill out a graphic organizer that illustrates the Protestant sects of Christianity that come out of the Reformation.

Who am I? examples. I will give hints to famous people and students will guess.

Who am I? booklet. Students will create a booklet that contain hints to people we have talked about. The answers will be in the back of the booklet

Closing Summarizer: Pass out and discuss the study guide for the Renaissance and Reformation test.


EQ(s): How successful was the Catholic Church in addressing the criticisms of the Protestant Reformers?

Warm Up: Warm Up: Sample multiple Choice Question.

Instructional Plan: Graphic organizer on sects of Christianity. Students will use the book to fill out a graphic organizer that illustrates the Protestant sects of Christianity that come out of the Reformation.

Who am I? examples. I will give hints to famous people and students will guess.

Who am I? booklet. Students will create a booklet that contain hints to people we have talked about. The answers will be in the back of the booklet

Closing Summarizer: Pass out and discuss the study guide for the Renaissance and Reformation test.

Dec 14


Warm Up: Students will study with a partner for about 5 minutes using their notes and study guide.

Instructional Plan: Review Team Jeopardy
Renaissance and Reformation Test

Closing Summarizer: Review Test if time permits
Dec 15

EQ(s): What key figures, patterns, and events will be on the midterm? How can I better my current study habits?

Warm Up: Students will study with a partner for about 5 minutes using their notes and study guide.

Instructional Plan: Review Team Jeopardy

Renaissance and Reformation Test

Closing Summarizer: Review Test if time permits

Dec 16

EQ(s): What key figures, patterns, and events will be on the midterm? How can I better my current study habits?

Warm Up: Students will study with a partner for about 5 minutes using their notes and study guide.

Instructional Plan: Review Team Jeopardy

Renaissance and Reformation Test

Closing Summarizer: Review Test if time permits

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