Monday, September 29, 2014

US History

This week's topics in U.S History: Monday 9/29: Finish SSUSH12 Tuesday 9/30: SSUSH13 notes and activities Wednesday 10/1: Unpack standard/SSUSH14 notes Thursday 10/2:Finish SSUSH14/Quiz/Begin DBQ Friday 10/3: DBQ

US History

This week's topics in U.S History: Monday 9/22: Unpack Standards/American Story of US clip Independent Study SSUSH11/Teacher student conferences Tuesday 9/23: Independent Study SSUSH11/Teacher student conferences/Railroad flyer or Edison Ad Wednesday 9/24: WRITING TEST!/The One Percent documentary--3rd Block only Thursday 9/25:Finish Ad or Flyer/Big Business discussion (SSUSH11) Friday 9/26: Junior class meeting--1st Block/Finish SSUSH11 notes discussion/Begin SSUSH12 assignments

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

US History

Started new unit on Westward expansion and industrilization. Unpacked stndards. Students worked on note packet individually.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

US History

Week 6 09/08/2014 0 Comments This week's topics in U.S History: Monday 9/8: Causes of Civil War (Compromise, Compromises!) Tuesday 9/9: Secession and Civil War/Battles, Leaders, and Lincoln Documents Wednesday 9/10: Reconstrution (Amendments, KKK, Radical Republicans) Thursday 9/11:Review Activities (Review game/Human Timeline) Friday 9/12: Unit 2 test/Unpacking Unit 3 standard Homework: Study for Unit Test on Friday 9/12!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

US History

Week 5 09/03/2014 0 Comments This week's topics in U.S History: Monday 9/1: Labor Day!/No School Tuesday 9/2: Finish SSUSH6 review activities/Industrial Revolution Notes with Brain Pop Wednesday 9/3:Finish Industrial Revolution notes/Mount Reform group assignment Thursday 9/4:Mount Reform group assignment/Jackson notes and activity Friday 9/5: Quiz (SSUSH6-SSUSH7)/Preview Game Homework:

Friday, September 5, 2014


SSEMI2 The student will explain how the Law of Demand, the Law of Supply, prices, and profits work to determine production and distribution in a market economy. a. Define the Law of Supply and the Law of Demand. b. Describe the role of buyers and sellers in determining market clearing price. c. Illustrate on a graph how supply and demand determine equilibrium price and quantity. d. Explain how prices serve as incentives in a market economy. Friday, August 22, 2014 Appetizer: What is meant by the term demand? Main Course: Review notes Revise your graphs Continue with notes on demand Thursday, August 21, 2014 Wednesday, August 20, 2014 Appetizer: Use your human capital and think about the Circular Flow Model; where are individuals/households, businesses, product markets, factor/resource markets? Main Course: Discuss circular flow model Demonstrate circular flow model Sidewalk Chalk-we will take a mini field trip to the tennis courts-with a partner draw and label the circular flow model with arrows showing the direction of $ and arrows the opposite direction showing goods/services. On your warm-up paper, go to page 56 and 57 and answer these questions Tuesday, August 19, 2014 Appetizer (Activator): How does the exchange of goods and services take place? Main Course: Discuss question Notes on circular flow-discuss your definitions Andy and Abby activity-handouts Yourself in the flow of the circular flow model Monday, August 18, 2014 Appetizer: What questions do you have about fundamentals? Main Course: Review for 10 minutes Unit 1 Test After test, grab a green EOCT-define bold terms-pages 54-55 and sketch circular flow model

Thursday, September 4, 2014

US History

09/03/2014 0 Comments This week's topics in U.S History: Monday 9/1: Labor Day!/No School Tuesday 9/2: Finish SSUSH6 review activities/Industrial Revolution Notes with Brain Pop Wednesday 9/3:Finish Industrial Revolution notes/Mount Reform group assignment Thursday 9/4:Mount Reform group assignment/Jackson notes and activity Friday 9/5: Quiz (SSUSH6-SSUSH7)/Preview Game Homework: Test on Friday, September 12th (next week)--you should be reviewing daily

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

US History

08/24/2014 0 Comments This week's topics in U.S History: Monday 8/25: Finish SSUSH5 foldable/Review for test Tuesday 8/26: Unit 1 Test/America: Story of Us Wednesday 8/27: Unit 2 Begins/Unpacking the Standards Thursday 8/28: Unit 2 Notes Friday 8/29: Unit 2 Notes Homework: Study for Unit 1 test (Monday) Test Corrections (Due Friday)