Monday, April 29, 2013

Economics 4/26

American Government-04/26/13


Vote on your bills with a Yay (yes) or Nay (no) or you can abstain which means you do not vote because you aren’t quite sure how you should vote on bill.

Main Course:

#15-Table of Contents-EQ: What are the qualifications for the president?

Executive Branch notes

Clip on dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library (5 living president and their wives attended this)

Body Bio on the prez: Be creative and thoughtful about your body bio please! Be colorful! Have fun with this, even though it is an assignment to be assessed.

Heart: What is at the “heart” of the matter regarding the prez? How is he feeling; what is in his heart?

Eyes: What is the president observing, seeing?

Shoulders: What are the pressures on the “shoulders” of the prez?

Backbone/Spine: How does the president stay strong?

Legs: How does he support us?

Brain: What is he thinking about?

Arms/Hands: What things are in his “hands”?

Mouth: What is the prez saying?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Economics April 22

Monday, April 22, 21013

Appetizer: Do you feel the qualifications for Congressmen (House of Representatives) and Senators (Senate) are strict enough? Why or why not?

Main Course:

#13-Table of Contents-Qualifications for Congress-

Charts on House of Representatives and Senate-discuss together

Notes on the House and Senate

Activity on leadership for House and Senate

Download House and Senate112thCongress

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Economics 4/16 - 18

American Government-04/16-18


List some laws that affect you as a teenager; are these federal laws or state laws? Something to think about…….

Pick one of the Bill of Rights (Amendments 1-10) and tell me which you think to be most important and why. You will turn this in to me.

Why is the Constitution called a “living, breathing” document?

Main Course:

#11-Table of Contents-Amendment Packet

You have 15 minutes to create your bubble map-Table of Contents-#12-Create a bubble map (graphic organizer) Principles of the U.S. Constitution with 6 circles and put one

of the following in each and describe briefly: popular sovereignty, separation of powers, judicial review, limited government, checks and balances, and federalism-page 65

Powers of the national government: page 69-define enumerated powers and list them; define “elastic clause”

Page 95-Delegated powers, expressed powers, implied powers, inherent powers, reserved powers; supremacy clause-briefly define each and we will discuss; recreate Venn Diagram on page 97 in your notebooks

April 17, 2013 in American Government

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Economics 4/15/13

April 15, 2013

Amendment Packet

Download Amazing Amendments

Students will discuss and write down the importance of each admendment.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Economics 4/4/13

The three banches of govenment

Legslative, Executive, Judical

P.  65 in text

Complete the graphic organizer on the roles of each branch of government.